Demonstration of Graphical Genealogy:
The Descendants of Reverend George Tarvin

To view the demonstation, you must have the ProjectX plug-in installed in your web browser. ProjectX, also known as HotSauce, is an experimental technology from Apple Computer, which claims a trademark on these terms. See installation instructions below. The plug-in provides a graphical representation of a Meta Content Framework (MCF) file. After you have installed the plug-in, return to this graphic and click on the picture to load the interactive demonstration.

Please note that the purpose of this demonstration is not to promote any particular technology. It is, rather, to demonstrate alternate metaphors for viewing genealogical relationships than the traditional pedigree chart and descendant chart. Expand your mind! Try a fly-through!

Don't click just yet!

First, follow the instructions below.

Then return to click on the graphic.

Reverend George Tarvin

Installing the ProjectX plug-in: